AC0820 AC0830 Compatible Replacement Filter Compatible for Filter Model FY0194

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Compatible for Filter Models: FY0194



Product Feature:

★ Quality PP + PET HEPA Filter removes airborne particles, pet dander, dust mites, PM2.5.

★ Pre-filter captures larger airborne particles for a longer filter life.

★ Activated Carbon removes harmful gases and bad odours. 


 How to Install Filter: (Steps provided are for most air purifiers, if in doubt, we will be around to assist you)

1. Ensure power is off.

2. Remove cover from air purifier to expose filter.

3. Remove pre-filter, wash and let dry. (if available on air purifier model)

4. Remove old filter(s).

5. Clean interior of air purifier with HEPAPAPA's Cleaning & Sanitisation Kit. (instructions can be found below)

6. Install new filter with pull tab facing you. (for easy removal in the future)

7. Install pre-filter. (if available on air purifier model)

8. Install Cover.

9. Turn on power.

10. Reset filter change reminder light (if available on air purifier model)

11. Allow the air purifier to run for about 10 mins. If your air purifier model is equipped with a dust sensor, the sensor should indicate improved air quality after about 10 mins.



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