How to Register Your PMD with The LTA
PMD Registration with LTA in Singapore:
Requirements for Registering your PMD:
⦁ The user must be above 16 years of age
⦁ The device must be LTA compliant (20/25/700)
⦁ The device must meet the UL2272 fire safety standard (effective only after 1st July 2019)
⦁ Must have valid identification or SingPass account
Steps to Registering Your PMD:
1⦁ Take a clear colored photograph of your device.
2⦁ Go to http://www.onemotoring.com.sg/escooter on your internet browser on your PC or smartphone.
3⦁ Scroll down and click “Register E-scooter".
4⦁ You will be prompted to log in to your SingPass account, log into you SingPass account.
5⦁ You will reach the brochure page of the registration process, take the time to read the brochure as it contains useful information such as the penalty for riding an unregistered device and click Proceed to “Register E-scooter".
6⦁ Proceed to fill up the details of your device such as make, model and colour.
7⦁ Declare that your device meets LTA specifications.
8⦁ Declare that your device is UL2272 certified (you can leave this box unticked if your device is not UL2272 certified).
8b⦁ Check that your device meets the UL2272 fire safety standards by looking for one of these markings on your device. If it is UL2272 certified, upload a clear coloured photo of the marking along with the scooter photo.
9⦁ Proceed to upload the photograph of your device by clicking the “Upload” box and select the photo of your device.
10⦁ Fill up and check that all your personal particulars are correct and click “Next”.
11⦁ You will reach the terms and conditions page of the registration process, take the time to read it carefully, then tick the “I/We declare that I/we have read and understood the information above, and undertake to abide by it”
You will now reach the payment page of the registration process, Enter your e-mail address and click Pay button circled in red. Take note the fee will be waived for PMD riders who register before end of 31st March 2019. Thereafter it is at $20 per scooter.
12⦁ Once you are done, you will reach the invoice page where you will be informed of your device registration number, you will also receive an email informing you of your registration number and 14 days grace period.
13⦁ Your LTA identification sticker will be sent to you via mail where you have to stick on a prominent part of your device within 14 days.
14⦁ You are also required to fabricate and stick an Identification Number sticker/plate on your device. We also provide on the spot printing services for Identification stickers at https://www.passiongadgets.com/e-scooter-lta-compliant-identification-mark-sticker-plate-number.
1⦁ Take a clear coloured photograph of your device.
2⦁ Go to https://www.onemotoring.com.sg/content/dam/onemotoring/Forms/PMD01.pdf and print a copy of the form.
3⦁ At the same time print the clear photo of your device.
4⦁ Fill up the form, making sure to fill up your personal particulars (SECTION A) and ensure to fill up all of the boxes marked with the asterisk "*".
5⦁ Fill up the Agent's particulars (SECTION B) only if you are applying on behalf of your company/business, club/association, or Ministy/Statutory Board.
6⦁ Fill up the details of your PMD (SECTION C) such as its make, model and colour, if it complies to the UL2272 safety standard, has seats, and no. of wheels.
7⦁ For UL2272 certified devices, ensure that the device has one of the approved UL2272 markings pasted on your device, and also take a clear coloured photograph of the UL2272 marking on your device.
8⦁ Fill up the declaration by Applicant/Agent (SECTION D) only if you are applying on behalf of another person or for your company.
9⦁ Sign in the appropriate boxes and also write down the date in which you are filling up the form.
10⦁ Once done, bring along your filled up form, the clear coloured photograph of your device, your valid identification and the clear coloured photo printout of the UL2272 marking on your device (if applicable) over to your nearest SingPost office and submit all the documents.
11⦁ Once they recieved and processed all of your documents, you will be issued with your own LTA Registration Mark, in which you will be required to paste on a prominent and fixed part of your device within the 14 days grace period.
12⦁ You are also required to fabricate and stick an Identification Number sticker/plate on your device. We also provide on the spot printing services for Identification stickers at https://www.passiongadgets.com/e-scooter-lta-compliant-identification-mark-sticker-plate-number.